Our founder Vivek attended HostingConIndia 2014 a conference truly dedicated to web hosts, domain re sellers, web hosting and infrastructure providers in India. The conference cum exhibition was presented by ResellerClub, worlds most popular brand for reselling web identity and hosting products like domains, web hosting etc. ResellerClub is a business run by DIRECTI which also runs many other web related brands like BIGROCK, Skenzo, Orderboxes etc.
The two day event cum exhibition was organized at NCPA, Mumbai on 12th and 13th of December and filled with lots of knowledge sessions with topics on cloud hosting, IT infrastructure, website security throughout the both day. Apart from mind-blowing speaker sessions from experts like Amazon, Softlayer and ICANN etc sessions from Page traffic, and Octane on SEO were really very informative as our founder expresses. Our founder further says few workshops on security were also good to pay a visit to Mumbai for the hosting con.

And with all the punches of knowledge sharing he also enjoyed the fabulous food on both day with lots of fun on the last day with prize giving to lucky winners from different exhibitors to the participant of the Hosting Con India 2014.
Webx99.com also got a chance to meet the CEO and founder of Directi, Bigrock, Resellerclub and had little chat see the smile on Bhavin’s face along with our founder’s too in the pic.

With visiting such conferences Webx99.com team is trying to to always enhance knowledge of team that can bring even more loved website related products and services that we offer to our clients. To keep yourself posted with such events and conferences and to catch Vivek Prism our founder there simply you can follow him on twitter at @xvivek or on facebook.